How I Used to Feel
I have always loved FOOD! The sweeter it is, the more I like it! I am tall, at 6’2”, so I have been used to being over 210 pounds.
However, in 2018 (as I approached my 49th birthday), I noticed my weight increasing. Over the years, I tried to lose weight here and there; working out as much as I could. Sure, I lost a few pounds, but then I’d give up and gain it right back… and then some.
The final straw came just before the Christmas holiday. My wife had organized a professional photographer for our family Christmas card. My wife and my 13-year-old daughter looked like the queen and princess that they are; I looked like a big, fat mess!
Introduction to Awaken180°
I drive a lot and listen to WEEI sports radio all the time. Many of the broadcasters I listen to had done the Awaken180° program with significant results. I thought if these guys can sit around and talk sports all day and lose weight, I might just give it a try. I had my first consultation with the Peabody office on December 27th. I met with Kathryn who asked about my goals and discussed how to achieve them.
The Food
The program itself is not all that difficult, but when I saw all the foods provided by Awaken180°, I was a bit shocked. “You expect me to eat all that?” was the first thing I said to Kathryn.
However, I followed Coach Kathryn’s plan, and when I weighed in the first week… I was down 9.6 pounds!
I started feeling better and having more energy after week 2 and then each week became easier and easier to get through.
The food was not bad at all. Mostly everything was pretty good and easy to make. I had fun through the whole process trying to make my meals even better (using Awaken180°-approved sauces and spices). I even learned how to cook a bit more!
One of my biggest downfalls beforehand was Coke. I loved Coke. I was addicted to soda. Thanks to Awaken180°, I have replaced that habit with Zevia Soda. It’s delicious! I can’t see myself going back.
The Team
Every week that I walked into the Peabody office, I felt like a celebrity! I was always greeted by smiles from everybody! It began to be my favorite part of the week.
During my 10-week program, I met with Coaches Kathryn, Catherin, Elizabeth, and Ramon. They were all so professional and so friendly. Every week they had wisdom on how to get through the week. I couldn’t have done what I had done without each of them. Thank you guys so much for helping me realize how to stay healthy and get where I want to be!
I used to think exercise was the only way to lose weight. NOT TRUE, FOLKS! It is all about nutrition! People in my life had told me that before, but who was I to listen to them? My coaches sure made me listen.
How I Feel Now
In my first weigh-in, I came in at 231 pounds. At my final weigh-in, I was 190 pounds. I lost 41 pounds in 10 weeks! Folks, if I can do this, anybody can! I mean that from the bottom of my heart! I feel better, certainly look better, and I love all the compliments from my family and peers. Thank you, Awaken180° Peabody for helping me get where I want to be and to stay healthy. I look forward to seeing you guys during the maintenance check-ins of your sensational program. Even though I have not met you, Paige, Awaken180° Weightloss creator, thank you for creating this wonderful diet plan that REALLY works!