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How Losing Weight Changed My Life


Before                                    After
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        Prior to working at Awaken 180 Weightloss, I was in the event/food industry.  Being constantly around food and rushing from thing to thing, I either over ate or didn’t eat enough at all.  I also have struggled with anxiety for most of my life. When I felt myself getting anxious, I would often turn to food or go out with my friends. I never looked at myself as overweight, but I noticed I was having more challenges and they started out small but grew larger as time went on.  Things like getting ready with my friends for an evening out became something I hated because I could never find that outfit I wanted to wear. I had little self-confidence and my anxiety seemed to get worse no matter what I did.

        I expressed my frustration and was introduced to the program. When presented with all the materials over email, I remember looking at the permitted/not permitted list and being shocked at how strict it was. I knew how hard it was going to be, but this was the positive change I wanted and needed. I was told I would lose 2-3 pounds a week and was curious to see if that would really work. I started the program at the end of September and did 8 weeks. While on the program, I traveled to Texas, as well as took part in Birthday celebrations, holidays, and worked in a restaurant.  I stuck on the program completely despite all the distractions and temptations, and I lost 20 pounds and my life has drastically changed. I knew scientifically I would lose the weight but I never imagined the change in me emotionally would far succeed the actual pounds I had lost. My confidence level is higher than it’s ever been in my life and my relationship with food is a healthy one. Since completing the program, I continue to lose body fat while gaining muscle and I am in the process of training for my first Spartan race this June!

        After I completed the program and transitioned into our maintenance program, I realized I wanted to be a weight loss consultant and help people reach their goals. The weekly weigh ins were something I looked forward to and I loved seeing my progress each week.  I know how important it is to stay on track and be focused, but also how important it is to be positive.  It’s not easy to trust the process, but if you do, your results will make it all worth it. I can’t wait to meet you and help you reach your goals!